In this section the 6-monthly BIONICO newsletters will be uploaded:
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 1[<a href="">download here</a>]
Welcome to this first BIONICO newsletter! After the Kick off meeting held on the 1st of September 2015 in Milano, all the partners have started working together to make the BIONICO concept reality. Thanks to the strong interconnection of BIONICO with previous projects in the first 6 months it has already been possible to test catalysts, membranes and supports in the lab scale reactor available at TUe. New catalysts, membranes and supports are also under investigation to make these components tailor-made for the use with raw biogas at the temperatures required by BIONICO (up to 600°C). In these months we also selected the site for the BIONICO plant: the first pilot scale catalytic membrane reactor converting landfill Biogas in highly pure hydrogen will be built in the ENC plant of Chamusca, Santarém, Portugal. I hope you will find the info in this newsletter interesting. On our website you will find public presentations, all the public deliverables of the project and many other interesting news. Stay tuned!
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 2[<a href="">download here</a>]
Dear BIONICO friends I am glad to welcome you to the second project newsletter! The last project meeting was held at the end of August, allowing all the consortium members to take stock of the situation: in the second six months of the project new membranes, membrane supports and catalyst specifically designed for operating with biogas have been tested at TU/e labs and soon new promising finger-like porous asymmetric ceramic supports will be tested. The information collected allow now the Abengoa Hidrogeno engineering team to start with the design of the pilot scale reactor that will contain around 100 membranes! The scale of the project represents a strong step forward for CMR technology. Not only experimental, but also simulation work was performed by POLIMI in order to have benchmark cases for BIONICO. At the same time environmental performance of these technologies is being evaluated by Quantis, in order to demonstrate not only improved efficiency performance but also environmental ones for the BIONICO technology!
I hope you will find the info in this newsletter interesting. On our website you will find public presentations, all the public deliverables of the project and many other interesting news. Stay tuned!
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 3 - First Joint Membrane Reactors projects newsletterI hope you will find the info in this newsletter interesting. On our website you will find public presentations, all the public deliverables of the project and many other interesting news. Stay tuned!
[<a href="">download here</a>]
Welcome to the first newsletter of the projects dealing with Membrane Reactors. A few projects decided to join the forces to disseminate results in a common newsletter. In this first issue we will report results and info of 5 projects and a book of abstracts of the latest European workshop on membrane reactors. We hope you will find this newsletter interesting. If you want to include news related to your own research project on membrane reactors do not hesitate to send us the info you want to disseminate.
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 4 - Second Joint Membrane Reactors projects newsletter[<a href="">download here</a>]
Welcome to the second newsletter of the projects dealing with Membrane Reactors. A few projects decided to join the forces to disseminate results in a common newsletter. Find here BIONICO section of the second issue where last activities and outcomes were reported results and info of 5 projects and a book of abstracts of the latest European workshop on membrane reactors. We hope you will find this newsletter interesting. If you want to include news related to your own research project on membrane reactors do not hesitate to send us the info you want to disseminate.
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 5[<a href="">download here</a>]
In the first half of the project, membrane and catalyst for operating with biogas have been developed by JM, Tecnalia and Rauschert, and then tested at TUe labs achieving promising results. At the beginning of the third year, catalyst is ready to be shipped to ICI caldaie that started the manufacturing of the pilot scale reactor while Tecnalia and Rauschert are preparing more than 100 membranes. Meanwhile the BIONICO assessment is carried out by POLIMI both from thermodynamic and economic point of view. Finally, QUANTIS is developing a detailed Life Cycle Analysis to evaluate the BIONICO environmental impact.
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 6[<a href="">download here</a>]
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 7[<a href="">download here</a>]
BIONICO Newsletter Issue 8[<a href="">download here</a>]
BIONICO Final Newsletter[<a href="">download here</a>]