BIONICO project experience for the Energy transition in the Po Valley

Hydrogen replacing fossil fuels in transport

The energy transition in the Po Valley (Italy): a shared infrastructure for hydrogen

Emilia Romagna is one of the areas in Italy with the greatest number of economic activities and for this reason, as well as for a particular geographic and climatic conformation, it is an area (along with the whole Po Valley) often suffering for the quality of the air. This is essentially due to the model of economic development that has been created and in particular to the model of energy consumption in the transport sector. A model largely based on fossil fuels with a negative impact on air quality (gas oil, gasoline, partly methane).

For this reason, a shared reflection is proposed in a public debate to try the path of an energy transition for Emilia Romagna and the entire Po Valley, based on the replacement of traditional fuels with hydrogen, which in the next years will be able to support direct use of electricity.

In the conference will be present experiences and discussed scenarios for the use of hydrogen.

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